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Talking Thinking Dancing Body
(2012- )

Lee Su-Feh

The Talking Thinking Dancing Body is a series of facilitated conversations initiated by Lee Su-Feh in 2012, co-facilitated by Justine A. Chambers and Lee Su-Feh from 2013-2015, and co-facilitated by Sadira Rodrigues and Justine A. Chambers from 2016-2018.

In 2019, Alexa Solveig Mardon and Rianne Svelnis will host guest artists as featured speakers and agitators around issues they feel are urgent to speak to and about.

The Talking Thinking Dancing Body in 2019 carries forward the values laid out by its founding facilitators: an intersectional feminist lens, and a commitment to anti-racist, anti-ableist, decolonial approaches and perspectives. To stay in the loop, join the Facebook group here.